Мотор - Скулптура "Old Indians Never Die"
Мотор - Скулптура "Old Indians Never Die"
Скулптура - Мотор - "Старите индианци никога не умират"
Имитация на сребро.
За ценители на изкуството.
15 процеса за достигане на необходимото качество.
Размери: 23/20/10см
Тегло: 1.4кг
Made in thermo plating using only pure lead free materials for this pewter product.
Sculpture can go through up to 15 processes each carried out by hand by skilled European craftsmen.
This ensures the quality of this product. .
The end result is a solid and beautiful sculpture with the look , feel and weight of solid metal.
This sculptural product require no cleaning, just occasional dusting.
They will not tarnish with time. No cleaning agents should be used.