Chevron FM Grease EP NLGI 2 ГРЕС за хранителна индустрия
Грес ШЕВРОН за хранително
вкусовата промишленост бяла на цвят,водоустойчива .Официално одобрение
на Chevron FM Greases EP е за - многофункционални смазочни материали за
всички машини, смазвани с мазнини в консерви, бутилки за напитки и
консерви, картофени / царевични преработватели, производители на
бонбони, пакетиращи месо и домашни птици, преработватели на замразена
храна и други производители и преработватели на храни. Те се препоръчват
специално за критични приложения, когато има вероятност смазката да се
превърне в случайна хранителна съставка.Опаковка 397g
одобрение от KOSHER and Pareve approved Chevron FM Grease EP NLGI 2
made in USA H1 lubricant Features
Chevron FM Greases EP are high performance, multipurpose food machinery
greases that are white in color, odorless, tasteless, and
water-resistant. Available in three grades, Chevron FM Greases EP were
developed for the food processing and canning industries. Chevron FM
Greases EP are a blend of a synthetic polyurea complex thickener and
food grade white oils (Group II) containing a highly effective rust
inhibitor. They are smooth and buttery in texture, and are slightly
All grades contain a specially blended higher viscosity white mineral
oil that imparts improved adhesive and stringiness properties to the
Chevron FM Greases EP are multipurpose lubricants for all grease
lubricated machinery in canneries, beverage bottlers and canners,
potato/corn chip processors, candy manufacturers, meat and poultry
packers, frozen food processors, and other food producers and
processors. They are specifically recommended for critical applications
where there is a possibility of the lubricant becoming an incidental or
accidental food ingredient.
NLGI 1 and 2 are preferred for general plant lubrication including
applications such as electric motors and wheeled vehicles where USDA H1
lubricants are often used.
NLGI 2 is also recommended for those applications where the grease is
exposed to high temperatures, steam, and centrifugal action causing
throw-off. Chevron grease EP FM NLGI2 397g USA code H1 грес шеврон
водоустойчива храна хранително вкусовата промишленост водоустойчива
температуроустойчива -40 до 300 градуса по фаренхайт.Изпращам по куриер
само срещу капаро!
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