9-Hole Peg Test Kit, Pegboard Set to Improve Motor Coordination & Finger Dexterity, Hand Exerciser G → Обява 28519958

9-Hole Peg Test Kit, Pegboard Set to Improve Motor Coordination & Finger Dexterity, Hand Exerciser G
гр. София, Дианабад Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 14 февруари в 14:30 ч.

Лично предаване; Купувача

9-отворен комплект за изпитване на колче
Този комплект за тестване на ръце е лесен за разбиране за пациентите и

дава точна обратна връзка за практикуващите. Той е предназначен да

тества и развива фините двигателни умения на индивида или да помогне за

диагностициране на неврокогнитивните разстройства. Това се постига с

времеви тестове за координация между ръцете и очите, които измерват

сръчността и контрола на ръката.
Метод за тестване
Тестването е просто и лесно: Накарайте пациента да постави всички

колчета в дупките и след това да ги накара да извади колчетата във

вградената чиния. Това може да се направи със слаба ръка и силна ръка за

тестване на относителните възможности или сравнено със стандартите за

общите измервания.
Неврологични и физиологични тестове
Тестовият комплект с 9 дупки е идеален както за изпитване на умствена,

така и за физическа недостатъчност. Той е идеален за тестване на жертви

на инсулт или лица, претърпели скорошна травма на ръката.

9-Hole Peg Test Kit, Pegboard Set to Improve Motor
Coordination & Finger Dexterity, Hand Exerciser Game for Rehabilitation,
Occupational Therapy, & Physical Therapy for Kids, Adults, & Toddlers
Hand testing kit to assess finger dexterity and upper extremity function
Ideal for testing neurological disorders and hand trauma
Straightforward and easy to test dexterity on both hands
Supplied complete with pegboard, pegs and stopwatch
Plastic pegboard designed to test motor skills and perform various motor tasks to improve function and visual coordination
One-piece design features a molded dish next to the 9-hole peg board, to keep each consistent
Great for patients who have suffered a stroke or other neurological issues that require neuropsychological tests
All pieces of sanitary pegboard can be cleaned with disinfectant
Board measures 12.25" x 10.25" x 1.6857", includes 9 pegs and a stopwatch to track progress
Product Description
The 9-hole peg test kit is an assessment tool for testing fine motor coordination in recovering patients. The one-piece design features a molded dish, a 9-hole peg board, and a stopwatch.
Who Is This Ideal For?
The 9-hole peg test kit is most often used by doctors and physical therapists to test the dexterity of clients and patients who are recovering from surgery or may be exhibiting problems related to motor control, including occupation-related overuse injuries. The test may also help diagnose certain neurocognitive disorders.
Why Use the Test Kit?
This 9-hole peg test kit is an all-in-one device that is built using sturdy, durable parts. The placement of the dish and pegboard allows for an easy, consistent reach, which ensures proper results during the evaluation procedure. Thanks to the design and materials, the kit is also easy to clean and maintain, allowing for quick and easy disinfection to prevent any contamination.
The test is simple to perform. Using their unaffected hand, the patient places each peg from the dish into a hole. Once all the holes are filled, the patient then removes each peg and places them back in the dish. This helps the patient understand how to properly do the test. Once completed, the healthcare professional records the time, and the patient repeats the test with the affected hand.
Who Should Not Use This Product?
While this test is similar to the Purdue Pegboard test, which also measures dexterity, the 9-hole peg test is easier to administer, especially to kids. The Purdue test has a longer administration time and was initially designed for selecting employees for certain industrial occupations.
This involved more complicated dexterity tasks and greater fine motor precision, making the Purdue Pegboard test unsuitable for children and older patients. The 9-hole peg test’s simplicity, efficiency, and reliability make it a good test that can be administered to patients of all ages and backgrounds.
Width: 26 cm
Height: 4 cm
Length: 31 cm

9-Hole Peg Test Kit
This hand testing kit is easy to understand for patients and gives accurate feedback for practitioners. It is designed to test and develop an individual’s fine motor skills or help diagnose neurocognitive disorders.

This is accomplished with timed hand-eye coordination tests that gauge hand dexterity and control.
Testing Method
Testing is simple and easy: Have the patient place all of the pegs into the holes and then have them remove the pegs into the built-in dish. This can be done with a weak hand and strong hand to test relative capabilities or compared to standards for overall measurements.
Neurological and Physiological Tests
The 9-Hole Peg Test Kit is ideal for both mental and
physical deficiency testing. It is ideal for testing stroke victims or
individuals who have suffered recent hand trauma.
Преглеждания: 1 127
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