Лего - LEGO City 60133 - Advent Calendar 2016
Предлагам конструкторите от LEGO City Advent Calendar от 2016 година
Само конструкторите - всичките 24 броя!
(Day 1) - Snowmen
(Day 2) - Firewoman with Guitar
(Day 3) - Microphone Stand and Speaker
(Day 4) - Fireman with Trumpet
(Day 5) - Snow Scooter
(Day 6) - Snow Plow
(Day 7) - Fence with Wreath
(Day 8) - Ice Hockey Player Boy
(Day 9) - Ice Hockey Goal
(Day 10) - Ice Hockey Player Girl
(Day 11) - Tree with Lights
(Day 12) - Lamp Post with Wreath
(Day 13) - Volcano Worker with Remote Control
(Day 14) - Helicopter
(Day 15) - Ticket Booth
(Day 16) - Airplane
(Day 17) - Cookie Stand
(Day 18) - Volcano Adventurer with Cookie Tray
(Day 19) - Cookie Stove
(Day 20) - Presents
(Day 21) - Christmas Tree
(Day 22) - Dog with Stand, Water Bucket and Bone
(Day 23) - Santa's Sleigh
(Day 24) - Santa
Цената е за цялата колекция!