Алармен пейджер за кола и дома на ENFORCER - SECOPAGE 35E - ДВЕ ЗОНИ → Обява 38940360

Алармен пейджер за кола и дома на ENFORCER - SECOPAGE 35E - ДВЕ ЗОНИ
гр. София, 7-ми 11-ти километър Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 09 март в 07:07 ч.

чисто НОВ двузонален известителен пейджер на водеща американска компания
при взлом на охранявания обект , кола или дом
устройството подава звуков и зрителен сигнал за нарушена зона
разстояние до обекта на охрана до 2км
за повече информация
The SECOPAGE 35E and 35EV are sophisticated paging systems. They consist of two
parts: a transmitter which includes trigger and timing circuitry, and one of two
matching receivers. The SECOPAGE 35E includes a belt-clip receiver with beeping
sounds, while the SECOPAGE 35EV receiver has both a beeping sound and a
vibrating page function.
The pager alerts you when a building or vehicle is being vandalized or broken into, or
when someone presses the remote manual paging button. The transmitter has a
maximum output power of 4 watts as allowed by the FCC. The efficient low-loss
circuit design permits higher signal transmission power, and the compact ultrasensitive pager receiver can sense the transmitted signals up to 1 mile away, as long
as a good antenna is properly connected to the transmitter.
Mount the SECOPAGE transmitter inside the building or vehicle. A page signal is sent
by the transmitter upon a manual page or unauthorized entry attempt. The page
signal is received by the small, highly sensitive, light-weight receiver. The receiver
beeps and the digital LED lights to warn you when it receives its own specially coded
page signal. In addition, the SECOPAGE 35EV receiver can be set to vibrate with the
beeps, or to vibrate without the beeps for silent operation.
The system is easy to install in any type of building or vehicle. The two 1.5V AAAsized batteries in the receiver will last up to one month with normal use. The receiver
can be programmed to receive page signals from 3 separate buildings or vehicles
Carefully study how and where to install the transmitter. In a building, mount as close
to a window as possible. In a vehicle, mount under the dashboard or in the glove
compartment. Mount the remote manual paging button in a location were it can be
easily pressed when needed.
Do not mount the SECOPAGE 35E or 35EV transmitter in the engine compartment,
which automatically voids the warranty. Do not mount it in the path of the heater or
air conditioning vents.
Mark locations for drilling the mounting bracket's holes. Be careful that the area to
be drilled is free from wiring, trim, and/or other obstructions.
Drill holes at these location marks. Position the transmitter where it will be mounted,
but do not secure immediately. It should be mounted permanently only after all
connections and tests are made.
NOTE: Do not power up the transmitter before the antenna connections are made.
Such an act may damage the transmitter

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