Повод за куче S 1.6 x 120 см Pet Interest Cuori Leash with Neoprene 33802 → Обява 46189443

Повод за куче S 1.6 x 120 см Pet Interest Cuori Leash with Neoprene 33802
гр. Карлово, Пловдив Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 06 октомври в 11:36 ч.

Лично предаване; Купувача
Каишки и нашийници
Повод за куче S 1.6 x 120 см Pet Interest Cuori Leash with Neoprene 33802.

Single layer leash in the modern Cuori design and with Neoprene soft lining on the handle. The leash is a necessary accessory for a safe walk with the dog. With this we can control the dog's behavior and prevent possible injuries and accidents.
The Neoprene soft coating on the handle is hypoallergenic and retains heat.
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