Картина масло/платно; Антон Терзиев → Обява 46258979

Картина масло/платно; Антон Терзиев
гр. София, Дружба 2 Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 03 януари в 08:33 ч.

Лично предаване; Купувача
А Place For Your Advertisement II - Size: 60 x 80 cm, oil on canvas,
Anton Terziev, 2000. Photo: © the artist. Courtesy of the artist

подписана от автора; + сертификат за автентичност

"Born in 1977, Anton Terziev has graduated 2004 in Ceramics from the
National Academy of Arts, Sofia. He works with painting and objects, as
well as in the field of performance. Part of his activities is
associated with various actions in the public space. Part of his
interests are connected to literature – he has published 5 books of
modern poetry and urban novels.

Based in Sofia, Bulgaria, he works with various subjects of the

day often with the means of sharp irony. The artist's iconography
possess harsh and critical imagery associated with a specific
aestethisation of pain that is a common metaphor of governing power
relationships in society, violence and hurting in the very political
existence of man. A unifying thread in his works appears in the futile
attempt of invention of objects and tools for survival in modern life`s
contradictions, and burdens. His interventions in public space as a
performer and actionist introduce a provocative and foreign for the
local scene format.

Terziev' s work has been shown at Vienna Contemporary, Nurture
Art, Brooklyn NYC, Donumenta- Regensburg, “On Difference 2”- Stuttgart,
Presence of the body-Troy, NY, Bath, Istanbul, Bratislava, Macedonia."
antonterziev dot com

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