IBM PC-XT 8-bit ISA Floppy Controller Card → Обява 46515445

IBM PC-XT 8-bit ISA Floppy Controller Card
гр. София, Бенковски Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 08 юли в 19:09 ч.

Лично предаване; Купувача
Продавам IBM PC-XT 8-bit ISA Floppy Controller Card

IBM Machine Type number 5160
Floppy Controller PCB component side
MPN: 6181682-987-V9116

The XT retained the same expansion bus as the PC - this would later be called 8-bit "Industry Standard Architecture", or "ISA" bus. Two of the expansion slots sit behind the left-hand floppy drive, so can only support shorter cards than the other six. Most PC cards would not fit into the two short slots, and some would not even fit into the six standard-length slots because on the XT the slots were placed closer together. It was rare to have a card that couldn't fit beside others, but they did exist. This narrower spacing meant that an XT (5160) motherboard would not fit into a PC (5150) case.

The floppy and hard drive adapters, the serial port card, and nearly always a display adapter board occupied slots.

Контролера е в перфектно състояние.
Тестван е и работи без забележи.
Пращам с Еконт (преглед и тест )
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