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дизелова добавка Oilsyn Race DNA → Обява 48535402

дизелова добавка Oilsyn Race DNA, снимка 1
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дизелова добавка Oilsyn Race DNA, 20 лв
Тип мпс
Автомобили и джипове
Продавам добавка за дизел Oilsyn Race DNA. Поръчвал съм я от Англия, но вече не карам дизелова кола и ми е излишна. Разфасовка от 250 мл достатъчна за 250 литра гориво. Съвместима е с всички видове дизелови двигатели. Съдържа 2-EHN, което вдига цетановото число с до 7 пункта и превръща обикновения дизел в супер такъв, но на по-добра цена от бензиностанциите.Изразходил съм повече от 500 л. гориво с нея на Пасат комън рейл.Enhanced engine performance. Diesel Race DNA instantly converts poor quality diesel fuel into Race specification diesel, for customers seeking the maximum available performance from their diesel engine.• Compatible with all diesel engines and fuel systems, Diesel Race DNA delivers:Additional Performance,Smoother/Quieter EngineImproved Fuel Economy andReduced Exhaust Emissions.• Diesel Race DNA uses the highest Purity 2-EHN for up to 8 Point Increase, Orisyn Ester lubricant, and Fueloxy Combustion Catalyst• Expertly formulated, Professional care for your vehicle. Oilsyn Diesel Dr guarantees to outperform any other diesel fuel additive. Feel the Difference.• Oilsyn’s Oriysn Modified Ester lubricant reduces friction to sub 200um levels ensuring ultimate anti-wear and protection.• All Oilsyn Diesel Additives are BS EN 590, REACH, CLP and HMRC Excise compliant and covered by a comprehensive liability insurance.• The perfect SPA treatment and tune-up for your vehicle• Help the environment. Running higher quality fuel and keeping the engine clean helps to remove harmful exhaust emission
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