CT Scanner Picker PQ 5000 Parts for Sale → Обява 15541671

CT Scanner Picker PQ 5000 Parts for Sale
гр. София, Център Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 14 февруари в 12:12 ч.

Spare parts for CT scanner Picker PQ 5000
All parts of the device are available, only the X-ray tube is damaged.
In case of real interest on your part to buy all other available parts, we can negotiate a total price.

Picker PQ5000 Parts for Sale:

- Dunlee CTR1790RGQ - 1pcs.---------------------------------------------1400$
- Vicor MM2-1410 - 2 pcs.-------------------------------------------------500$ each
- GENERATOR SPELLMAN P/N. X2013 REV E10 - 1 pcs.------------1800$
- "АC" INVERTER CHASIS P/N 403869-201; SPELLMAN P/N X2013 REV.G4 - 1 pcs.---------------------- -600$
- Positive multiplier А1, SPELLMAN P/N X2013 REV. M 403885-001 - 1 pcs.---------------------------420$
- Negative multiplier A2, SPELLMAN P/N X2013 REV. M 403885-011 - 1 pcs----------------------------------400$
- COLLIMATOR P/N 171871 - 1 pcs.------------------------------------------700$
- Cardfile Gantry ASSY (ALL BOARDS) - 1 pcs.------------------------1800$
- buttons for patient table - 2 pcs.---------------------------------------50$ each
- power supply laser position model. 311239/serial 6328-4 - 1 pcs.----------------25$
- LASER PATIENT POSITIONING SERIAL NO. 6328-1 - 3 pcs-----------------------60$ each
- 174988 REV D - 2 pcs ---------------------------------------------------180$ each
- FAN ASSY 1NB800S11 - 2 pcs ----------------------------------250$ each
- Signal Brush PCB P/N 4270216000 - 1pcs.---------------------------------150$
- power Brush - 1 pcs ----------------------------------------------------120$
- Gantry tilting actuator 627608 o 90u cc - 1 pcs ------------------------180$
- BUTTONS 176244 REV: H; 176240 REV: G ; 176242 REV: H - 6 pcs.--60$ each
- PHANTOM - 1 pcs---------------------------------------------------------360$
- PQ DETECTOR MOTHERBOARD ASSY 178117 REV: B - 8 pcs ------------------300$ each
- MIC 178638 - 2 pcs ------------------------------------------------------25$ each
- ASSY 174284 - 1 pcs ----------------------------------------------------150$
- PATIENT TABLE 171850A - 1 pcs-------------------------------------------600$
- Complete CONSOLE ASSY /ALL BOARDS/ - 1 pcs-------------------1900$
- CABLES - 1 pcs----------------------------------------------------------35$
- AMORTISSEURS FOR GARDFILE - 2 pcs. ------------------------35$ each .
- Part Number: 177947 REV C fan assy Picker p/n 177947 - 1pcs.-----180$
- detectors 98-463 DEX 843088 - 128 pcs. --------------------------120$ each
- A4 cathode hv assy p/n.403881-001 rev.E4 - 1 pcs.-------------------300$
- A3 anode hv assy 403882-001 p/n. x2013 rev.c2 - 1 pcs.--------------300$
- monitor Viewsonic VCDTS26344-2M - 1 pcs.---------------------------------25$
- Imation dryview 8300 LASER PRINTER -------------- 1 pcs.-----------------------500$
- MKD ASSY P/N. 178032 REV.E - 1 pcs.-------------------------------------320$
- Hi speed starter - 1 pcs.-----------------------------------------------420$

Преглеждания: 4 852
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