Работа за Senior Fullstack Developer with .NET and JS → Обява 28698834

Работа за Senior Fullstack Developer with .NET and JS
гр. София Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 10 януари 2022г. в 16:30 ч.

We are looking for experienced Fullstack Developer with .NET and JS

Responsibilities and requirements:

Creation of robust C# programs according to specifications
Experience in C# - more than 3 years working experience
Experience in SQL
Knowledge/experience with JS
Experience with version control systems/git
Responsible team player - you will be part of an expert team that uses modern development techniques and relies on your experience


Experience with .NET framework 4.0
Experience with IIS
Knowledge of messaging systems
Worked with scalable applications
Worked in extensively tested environments
Knowledge/experience with any of the modern JS frameworks (e.g. react, angular, vue)
Lead experience

Gamito is a licensed recruitment agency under number 1820/16.12.2014 with totally free of charge services to the candidates.

Guidance and on-boarding will be provided.

Regular Bulgarian working hours with flexible time and very good social package.

Преглеждания: 1 946
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6 100 лв
В Bazar.BG от 04 февруари 2020г.
Последно активен 24 февруари 2023г. в 16:45 ч.
55 обяви на потребителя
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