PHILIPS mc-m350 mp3 120 вата аудио система → Обява 28879247

PHILIPS mc-m350 mp3 120 вата аудио система
гр. София, Гео Милев Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 05 ноември 2024г. в 06:10 ч.

Лично предаване; Купувача
напълно работеща - диск, радио, аукс, касета, дистанционно
невероятен звук с баси и корекции, характерен по-скоро за Панасоник

Characteristics of the device.
Домашна микро аудио система
Цвят на продукта
The colour e.g. red, blue, green, black, white.
Оптичен плейър
CD player, DVD player or other device able to play optical discs.

Касетен дек
Type of tape machine for playing and recording cassettes.

Технология на касетъчния дек
Напълно логична
Зареждащ механизъм
Type of mechanism by which the optical disc is loaded into the product.
Предна част
Тип на високоговорителите
Loudspeaker number of ways.
Брой високоговорители
The quantity of speakers included in/with the product.
RMS мощност
RMS (Root mean square) is a measure of the continuous power required by a device, in particular audio amplifiers and loudspeakers.
120 W
Диаметър на баса
10,2 см
The effective resistance of an electric circuit or component to alternating current, arising from the combined effects of ohmic resistance and reactance.
6 Ω
Cъотношение сигнал/шум (SNR)
This is the ratio of signal intensity to noise intensity.
62 dB
Общо хармонично изкривяване (THD)
Total harmonic distortion is a measure of non-linear harmonic distortion and is given in %. Non-linear harmonic distortions are signals which were not present in the original before the signal was converted by the headphones. These unwanted signals are caused by the diaphragm, whose movements do not precisely move in time with the electric signals that cause it to move. Unfortunately, this is a feature of all electroacoustic transducers. Although it cannot be completely eliminated, suitable steps can be taken to minimise it. However, the user is not interested in why this distortion takes place but in how great the level of distortion must be for it to become perceptible. According to the findings of several research projects, a total harmonic distortion of 1% in the frequency range of 100 to 2000 Hz is imperceptible. Below 100 Hz, the perceptibility threshold lies at 10%.
Честотен обхват
The lowest and the hightest frequencies that can be inputted/produced.
63 - 16000 Hz
Бас рефлекс
Type of loudspeaker enclosure that uses the sound from the rear side of the diaphragm to increase the efficiency of the system at low frequencies as compared to a typical closed box loudspeaker or an infinite baffle mounting.

Поддържани радио вълни
The bands which the radio can receive e.g. FM, MW, LW.
Включен RDS тунер
RDS (Radio Data System) means that information such as time, station identification and programme information can be displayed by the device.

RDS характеристики
Подобрение на тунера
Автоматично запаметяване
Диапазон на FМ радио вълни
The frequencies (usually measured in Hertz) which can be picked up in the FM radio range. The usual frequencies are between 87.5 to 108.0 MHz
87,5 - 108 MHz
MW обхват на лентата
531 - 1602 kHz
Тип дисплей
Type of display (screen) e.g. LCD.
Мрежови възможности
Popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly using radio waves.

Портове и Интерфейси
USB порт
The device features a socket into which a USB cable can be plugged.

Apple докинг

Свързване на слушалки
How headphones connect to a device e.g. wirelessly or via a cable and connector.
3.5 mm
Aux вход


MP3 възпроизвеждане
The device can play MP3s.

Вграден четец на карти
The device includes a card reader e.g. a card reader in the disk bay of a computer or thin client to permit log-on using smart/pin cards.

Поддържани видове дискове
The types of disc which can be used with this device.
Формати на дискове за възпроизвеждане
The format of disc which the device can play back e.g. CD audio, DVD video.
CD аудио
Поддържани звукови формати
The audio formats which this device or software can read/use e.g. MP3, MP4.
Режими на възпроизвеждане
Програма, Повтаряне, Повтори всичко, Повторение едно, Разместване
Брой канали
The number of channels the device has. There can be an individual input or output for each channel.
40 канали
Таймер за автоматично изключване

Програмируеми песни
What is providing power for the product e.g. mains electricity.
Променлив ток (AC)
Консумирана мощност (в готовност)
The amount of electricity that is consumed when the product is on standby.
6 W
Входно напрежение
The voltage (V) which is required to power the product.
220-240 V
Входна честота
The frequency (Hz) which is required to power the product.
50 Hz
Тегло и размери
The measurement or extent of something from side to side.
166 мм
The distance from the front to the back of something.
274 мм
The measurement of the product from head to foot or from base to top.
225 мм
Размери на опаковката (Ш/Д/В)
414 x 539 x 303 мм
Ширина на опаковката
The distance from one side of the packaging to the other.
414 мм
Дълбочина на опаковката
The distance from the front to the back of the packaging.
539 мм
Височина на опаковката
The distance from the top to the bottom of the packaging.
303 мм
Тегло на опаковката
Weight of the packaged product.
10,2 кг
Дълбочина на главната тонколона
24,4 см
Височина на главната тонколона
22,5 см
Ширина на главната тонколона
16,6 см
Съдържание на опаковката
Портативно дистанционно управление
Component of an electronics device, most commonly a television set, DVD player and home theater systems originally used for operating the device wirelessly from a short line-of-sight distance.

УКВ (FM) антена

Други характеристики
Диапазон на LW радио вълни
153 - 279 kHz
Description of notifications systems and characteristics of the product

Автоматична цифрова настройка

Функция часовник

Преглеждания: 1 498
Оценка 4.5 от 180 гласа.
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Популярни търсения: telefunken ресийвър дек telefunken телефункен
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