Голяма колекция картинки от дъвки
Condition is museum/gallery worthy. 100% original. Arranged in special pockets, making them special so that they can be saved over time. A very good investment in years to come will be many times more expensive.
Thanks for looking!
The total number is 1921 pieces
Turbo-70 pcs the whole seria (51-120)
Turbo-70 pcs the whole seria (121-190)
Turbo-70 pcs the whole seria (191-260)
Turbo-70 pcs the whole seria (261-330)
Turbo Super-70 pcs the whole seria (331-400)
Turbo Super-70 pcs the whole seria (401-470)
Turbo Super-70 pcs the whole seria (471-540)
Turbo Sport-70 pcs the whole seria (1-70)
Turbo Sport-70 pcs the whole seria (71-140)
Turbo Sport-70 pcs the whole seria (141-210)
Turbo 2000-70 pcs the whole seria (71-140)
Turbo Classic-70 pcs the whole seria (1-70)
Turbo Classic-70 pcs the whole seria (71-140)
Turbo 2014 - 160 pcs the whole seria (1-160)
Bombibom 1 - 60 pcs the whole seria (1-60)
Bombibom 2 - 90 pcs the whole seria (1-90)
Bi-bib- 168 pcs the whole seria (1-168)
Oto Moto - 100 pcs the whole seria (1-100)
Kola- 70 pcs the whole seria (1-70)
Lazer - 70 pcs the whole seria (1-70)
TipiTip - 70 pcs the whole seria (700-770)
Minti- 99 pcs the whole seria (1-99)
Ideal animals Bulgaria - 10 pcs the whole seria (1-10)
Ideal Bulgaria - 4 pcs the whole seria (1-4)
Dandy Rockn Bubble cards - 56 pcs the whole seria (52+4 joker playing cards)
Dandy Football Bubble cards - 54 pcs the whole seria (52+2 joker playing cards)
Преглеждания: 2 558
Оценка 0 от 0 глас.