ATLAS EQUATOR, 75Ω Digital RCA-RCA Coaxial Cable, кабел/интерконект, 1m., Като Нов → Обява 39144477

ATLAS EQUATOR, 75Ω Digital RCA-RCA Coaxial Cable, кабел/интерконект, 1m., Като Нов
гр. София, Витоша Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена вчера в 17:26 ч.

ATLAS EQUATOR, 75Ω Digital RCA-RCA Coaxial Cable, дигитален кабел/интерконект, 1m., Като Нов.

Описание на прозводителя:

The Atlas 75 Ohm SP-DIF digital cable is a superb cable which gives a considerable insight into the state-of-the-art performance of Atlas' ‘high-end’ Mavros interconnect at a very reasonable price. Ascent was designed to be technically and sonically superior to competing digital cables currently available at similar prices.

The central conductor is made from OFC copper which is insulated by an extremely low-loss PEF (Foamed Polyethylene) dielectric. The tightly woven wire mesh together with an aluminium outer foil provides 100% rejection of RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) ensuring the music signal is free from any external noise. The cable is covered by a soft PVC sleeve and finished in a grey woven fabric.

The digital cable is terminated with High Quality plugs. The result is a smooth, uninterrupted signal path which behaves as one continuous entity, without any degradation of the signal.


Ако желаете разгледайте и другите ми обяви за кабели, компоненти и аксесоари.

Kimber Kable, Atlas cable, Nordost, Van Den Hul, Tellurium Q, Ecosse Reference, Merlin, Black Rhodium, IsoTek, Monster, Supra cable, PS Audio, Musical fidelity, Crystal Cable, Bel Canto, Cardas Audio, Esoteric, Luxman, Neotech, Furutech, Canton, Heco, Mb Quart, Quadral, Sony, Pioneer, Hitachi, JVC, Denon, B&W, Epos, Marantz, Onkyo, Yamaha, PMC, ATL, Dali, Dynaudio, Elac, Focal, Infinity, JBL, KEF, Mission, Monitor Audio, Revox, Sonus Faber, Tannoy, Transparent cable, Shunyata Research, Pro-Ject, Naim Audio, Norstone, Marantz, FOCAL, Rega, Meridian, FIREWIRE, USB кабел, RCA кабел, коаксиален
кабел, оптичен кабел, HDMI кабел, кабел за тонколони,
дигитален кабел, аналогов кабел, iPod nano, iphone, Astell&Kern, DAP, Moon Audio, iBasso, Sony Walkman, Cowon Plenue, FiiO, Apple
iPod Touch

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