Продава МЕЗОНЕТ, гр. Добрич, Център
Цена на метър
847 € кв. м.
АДРЕС Недвижими Имоти продава луксозен мезонет! Жилището се състои от дневен тракт, три спални, три бани и тоалетни, мокро помещение, две тераси и маза. Отопление-камина, климатици Дайкин и френски радиатори, всички се контролират дистанционно, както и цялото осветление.
Luxury apartment quiet new Two access. one directly by lift with electronic security Second by access ladder 3 bedrooms with keyboard 3 bathrooms 3 toilets 1 room for washing мachinе and dry мachinе 2 boilers 2 climate ( Daikin) with Wi-Fi command Electric radiator radian type ( 1000 watts) from France on each room , included bathroom Wooden chimney 7.5 kw Modern kitchen , ( BOSCH /SIEMENS) with bar 1 reserve Living room with natural leather sofa from GALA FURNITURE (Italy)TV connection ( RJ 45/2SAT and overhead connection) Connection on each bedroom ( RJ45/2SAT) Electronic robot ( IPX800V4 ) to control by web the apartment 2 terraces ( 1 terrace 23 m² and a second one of 65 m² on top) with electricity and water Mosquito protection on the both terraces and the windows Each windows with store and rolling shutter 1 big cellar with steel door Led on each ceiling /under the bar and kitchen Double secure access on each apartment doors ( electronic card and key)
Преглеждания: 1 711
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