Клавиатура Геймърска USB Acer Nitro NKW120 GP.KBD11.01U Механична RGB Подсветка
Клавиатура Геймърска USB Acer Nitro NKW120 GP.KBD11.01U Механична RGB Подсветка
May TKL Reign
Less keyboard means more space for the mouse so that when you need to make sudden swipes – you’re almost guaranteed not to hit that numpad.
Stay Accurate
In the heat of the moment, a single missed keypress can spell defeat. With anti-ghosting for 19 keys (and 5 million keystroke rated), you’ll avoid those dire situations when a missed press could be the death of a teammate.
Product Line
Product Name
Nitro Keyboard TKL
Product Model
Свързване на клавиатурата USB
Безжична Не
Мултимедийна клавиатура Да
Подсветка Да
Механична Да
Нумерична клавиатура Не