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HSO Простатно здраве: Тест за PSA в кръвта за самостоятелно използване → Обява 45203293

HSO Простатно здраве: Тест за PSA в кръвта за самостоятелно използване
гр. София Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 10 април в 13:14 ч.

Лично предаване; Купувача

The Prostate test offers proactive management of prostate health for men aged 45 and above, enabling early detection of potential issues even in the absence of symptoms. With fast, accurate, and reliable results delivered in just 5 minutes, boasting a specificity of 99.2% and accuracy of 92.34%, users can trust the information provided and engage in informed discussions with healthcare providers. Conducted conveniently and discreetly at home, the kit provides everything needed along with clear instructions for a stress-free experience. Elevated PSA levels can signify various conditions, from age-related changes to post-surgery monitoring or potential pathologies, allowing for early detection and intervention. By gaining valuable insights into prostate health early on, individuals can attain peace of mind and make informed decisions about their well-being, ensuring proactive management and better health outcomes.

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