Продавам Chord Hugo TT + McRu Linear Power Supply → Обява 45976436

Продавам Chord Hugo TT + McRu Linear Power Supply
гр. София, Бъкстон Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 13 януари в 10:09 ч.

Лично предаване; Купувача
Продавам личния си дак .Перфектно състояние. Пълен комплект. Само сега добавям линейно захранване на MCRU в цената.Налични всички кашони.

The MCRU regulated linear power supplies have won numerous awards in the hifi press, they are designed to do one thing, provide your equipment with the purest possible voltage, this in turn improves the sound quality, proven by customer feed backs. Removing the supplied switch mode power brick from your system and replacing it with our power supply brings instant sonic improvements.
Designed and built in the UK, fully up-gradeable from the power cable right through to the fuse, no other power supply we know of is as tweakable.

Преглеждания: 1 133
Оценка 4.6 от 120 гласа.
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