В Bazar.BG от 11 февруари 2016г.
Последно активен днес в 17:51 ч.
ProtoShield е прототипна разширителна платка с 2 светодиода и 2 бутона, която може да се използва директно и за повече удобство. Всички щифтове и захранване са изведени.
This ProtoShield prototype expansion board is designed for building prototype circuits. Components can be soldered directly onto the board and the board can be connected to the circuit through the above mini breadboard. The breadboard and circuit board are connected to each other by Double-sided adhesive. It should be noted that the breadboard and circuit board are disconnected when sold. ProtoShield prototype expansion board carries two LED and two button circuits, all of which are ready for use. All pins and power supply have been extracted, making the board the best match.