Уред за измерване качеството на въздуха 9-в-1 Bluetooth CO2, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10, HCHO, TVOC → Обява 48832706

Уред за измерване качеството на въздуха 9-в-1 Bluetooth CO2, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10, HCHO, TVOC
гр. София, Сухата река Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 26 януари в 12:03 ч.

Уред за измерване качеството на въздуха 9-в-1 Bluetooth CO2, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10, HCHO, TVOC

Инсталирате апликацията на телефона и може да следите всички показания всеки ден и да правите статистика. Това е многофункционален преносим уред, който измерва качеството на въздуха в средата в който е поставен.

Уредът може да измерва наличието на фини прахови частици PM2.5, PM10, HCHO, TVOC, CO и CO2 едновременно. Разполага с голям цветен LCD дисплей, на който се изобразяват измерените стойности. В долната част на екрана има скала с четири цвята, който показва степента на замърсеност на въздуха (от добра до опасна). Когато данните от мониторинга надвишават стандарта, уредът ще издаде звукова сигнализация, наподобяваща кратка аларма, с която предупреждава потребителите за високи нива на замърсеност на въздуха. Детекторът се захранва от вградена презареждаща се батерия, която се зарежда посредством кабела в

номер на модела: 2CO11

материал ABS

Откриване на газ въглероден диоксид (CO2)
Обхват на измерване 400-5000ppm
Използване на закрито
Акумулаторна литиева батерия
Цвят Черен
Тегло 250гр
Приложение Домашен офис
Размер 89*82*36мм
Дисплей LCD дисплей

Допълнителна информация:

Formaldehyde (HCHO) As a Hazardous Air Pollutant: Mapping Surface Air Concentrations from Satellite and Inferring Cancer Risks in the United States.
What is a safe level of HCHO in mg m3? - 0.3 to 0.5 mg/m3
TVOC means Total Volatile Organic compounds. Volatile organic compounds are organic chemicals that become a gas at room temperature. There are thousands of VOCs and a multiple of VOC's are at the same time present.

What are acceptable TVOC levels in the air?

VOC ppm from 0.20 to 0.61 is only okay for temporary exposure, and anything over 0.61 ppm is considered a dangerous TVOC level. Acceptable indoor VOC levels (in ppm) include anything under 0.25 ppm, or 500 µg/m3. For a building to be considered “high performance,” TVOC levels shouldn't exceed 0.20 ppm or 400 µg/m3.
Human presence causes VOC levels to rise

We often receive the question from users "Why do VOC levels increase in my bedroom at night?" and the answer is likely that the VOC sensor is naturally reacting to the build-up of breath and results of other bodily functions in the room during the night.

How can I reduce my TVOC at home?

Increase ventilation by opening doors and windows. Use fans to maximize air brought in from the outside. Keep both the temperature and relative humidity as low as possible or comfortable. Chemicals off-gas more in high temperatures and humidity.

TVOC Level mg/m3; Level of Concern
Low: Less than 0.3 mg/m3
Acceptable: 0.3 to 0.5 mg/m3
Marginal: 0.5 to 1 mg/m3
High 1 to 3 mg/m3
Particulate matter (PM) less than 1 micron in size is called PM1 (sometimes PM1. 0). PM1 is considered especially dangerous due to its extremely small size. The smaller the diameter of a particle, the more harm it can typically cause.

PM1 is most harmful

But to provide a truly healthy and productive indoor air environment in areas with bad air pollution, ventilation systems need filters that are also capable of removing PM1 particles – the smallest fraction and the most harmful. Our lungs are prey to PM1.


A key indicator of air quality is the amount of PM2. 5 in the air. PM stands for particulate matter and the 2.5 refers to size. To help you understand we mean matter that has a diameter of 2.5 micrometres or smaller.

What level of PM 2.5 is unhealthy?- 35 μg/m3

5 over a 24-hour period. Most studies indicate PM2. 5 at or below 12 μg/m
3 is considered healthy with little to no risk from exposure. If the level goes to or above 35 μg/m3
during a 24-hour period, the air is considered unhealthy and can cause issues for people with existing breathing issues such as asthma.
PM10 (Particulate Matter 10): These are slightly larger particles with a diameter of 10 micrometers or smaller. While they are larger than PM2.5, they are still very small and can also be inhaled into your lungs. PM10 particles come from similar sources as PM2.5, including dust, vehicle emissions, and industrial activities.

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