Термопомпа Sprsun CGK-050V4P-B R290 15kw цена вносител → Обява 49174586

Термопомпа Sprsun CGK-050V4P-B R290 15kw цена вносител
гр. София, Младост 1 Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 18 февруари в 09:31 ч.


ERP A +++ енергиен етикет R290 DC инверторни термопомпи Термопомпата SPRSUN R290 е проектирана с DC инверторен компресор Panasonic и DC инверторен вентилаторен двигател, за да отговори на строгите изисквания за екологичност, ефективност, стабилност и безшумност. Използвайки зелен газ R290 и инверторна технология, термопомпата R290 е оценена с етикет A, намалявайки сметките за енергия за жилищни нужди.В допълнение към термопомпите R290, комбиниращи отопление, охлаждане и топла вода, SPRSUN разработи нова термопомпа само за топла вода.

CGK020V4P-B; CGK030V4P-B; CGK040V4P-B; CGK-030V4P-B; CGK-040V4P-B; CGK-050V4P-B

SPRSUN's latest innovation, the R290 ultra-quiet DC inverter air source heat pump, fulfills users' needs for efficient heating, cooling, and domestic hot water all in one unit. It features an innovative "Silent Compartment" design, allowing its operating noise level to be as low as 40dB(A), and even quieter at night! This series of heat pumps uses full inverter compressors, enabling efficient heating and providing users with a quiet and comfortable home experience. Additionally, they support WiFi remote control and SG-ready functionality. This means you can control your home's temperature and hot water with your phone anytime, anywhere. With the SG-ready function, the unit can communicate with the power grid to reduce household electricity consumption during peak periods and save on electricity bills.

Super Quiet
The Greenergy series air source heat pumps support ultra-quiet operation as low as 40dB(A). The new "silent compartment" noise reduction technology ensures that your home life is not disturbed by noise.

User-friendly Design
The heat pumps support one-click switching of multiple modes. The brushless DC variable frequency control technology allows for more precise temperature control and a more comfortable user experience.

Intelligent Control and Connectivity
SPRSUN has developed a smart control system that allows for remote access through different platforms, including PCs and mobiles. This system enables cloud data synchronization and on-the-go heat pump management from anywhere, anytime.

ERP A+++ Performance
This heat pump uses high-efficiency DC inverter compressors and motors, with a high system efficiency and stable operation, saving energy costs for users.

Предлагани марки Daikin Mitsubishi Electric Hitachi Panasonic General Fujitsu Toshiba Fuji GREE LG Mitsubishi Heavy KAISAI Chigo Treo Fuji Electric Fujitsu Panasonic Crown Nippon Sharp TCL AUX Daewoo Kobe Carrier Neoclima Samsung Midea Star-Light Beko OSAKA Romstal
Преглеждания: 26
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