Калибратор Lutron CC-421 → Обява 49225912

Калибратор Lutron CC-421
гр. Търговище, Център Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена вчера в 19:02 ч.

Калибратор източник на ток и напрежение, използва се за измерване и процесинг сигнали с изключителна точност. Прецизна настройка и проверка на други уреди.
волтметър амперметър
Източник на ток и амперметър от 0 до 24 mA в два обхвата
Източник на напрежение от +199.9mV до -199.9mV

Lutron CC-421 is a versatile and cost-effective voltage and current
calibrator, perfect for hand-held use. It's designed to simplify the
calibration of process devices and accurately measure process signals.
This instrument boasts multiple functionalities, including:

  1. It acts as a precision current source, ensuring reliable calibration.
  2. It is capable of measuring current signals with high accuracy.
  3. The device can power and measure two-wire loops, making it highly practical for various applications.
  4. It also serves as a precision DC millivolt (mV) source.

Key features include its ability to power (12 V) and measure current
in two-wire loops, ranging from 0 to 24 mA across two ranges. Its DC
millivolt source ranges from -199.9mV to +199.9mV. The current
calibrator is robust, capable of driving loads up to 500 ohms. It has a
quick sampling time of approximately 0.4 seconds, ensuring efficient

The package comes complete with alligator clips for easy connection.
Its voltage measuring capabilities are precise, spanning from -199.9mV
to +199.9mV, with an accuracy of ±0.25% of the full scale plus 1 digit.
This makes the Lutron CC-421 an ideal tool for professionals needing a
reliable and efficient instrument for calibrating and measuring in
various settings.

Преглеждания: 8
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