В Bazar.BG от 27 февруари 2025г.
Последно активен днес в 11:17 ч.
We can help you find qualified workers, prepare their documents, bring them to Bulgaria, and transfer them to your doorstep.
You can interview and select workers yourself (either through an online interview, or we arrange your trip to their country to select them).
The workers are hired directly by your company. This means they will be your employees. So we (or anyone else) do not receive a commission in the meantime.
Asian workers work for a minimum basic wage. They are stable, hardworking and honest. You have the right to fire them within a month if you are not satisfied with them.
They are ready to work weekends, holidays, night shifts and whenever you need them. They stay at your accommodation and are happy to work overtime when needed.
Please contact (call/ WhatsApp/ Viber) at 0883775099.