Нови игри.Списък2,assassins,duty,dragon,gta,fifa,god,cry,saint,ps3,пс3 → Обява 12373654

Нови игри.Списък2,assassins,duty,dragon,gta,fifa,god,cry,saint,ps3,пс3
гр. София, Люлин 8 Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 14 август 2024г. в 08:12 ч.

Всички игри са PS3 нови и запечатани.Вижте снимките.Списък 2:

Dante Inferno-55лв
Dance Star Party Hits-39
Dark Souls 1- 36
Dark Souls 2- 49
Dark Void-35
Darksiders Collection - 65
Darksiders 1-39
Darksiders II Limited Edition-36
Dc Universe Online-59
Dead Space 3-55
Destiny The Taken King Legendary Edition-65
Devil Mаy Cry 4-45
Devil Mаy Cry HD Collection -79 (Включва 3 игри)
DMC Devil My Cry - 55
Diablo 1-49
Doom 3-49
Dragon Dogma 1-39
Dragon Dogma Arisen-39
Dragon Age Origins 1-39
Dragon Age Inquisition Standart Edition-45
Dragon Age Inquisition Deluxe Edition-75
Earth Defense 1-45
Earth Defense 2025-49
Fantastic Four Surfer-69
Far Cry 3 - Lost expedition,predator pack-55
Far Cry 3 - 49
Ferrari Chalenge-35
Ferrari The race experience-32
FEAR 3 - 35
F1 2013-45
Fifa 12-19
Fifa 13 Bonus Edition-30
Fifa 14 Ultimate edition-36
Fifa 14-34
Fifa Street-39
Fifa Brazil 2014-39
Fifa Brazil 2014 Champion edition-45
Final Fantasy Reborn-30
Final Fantasy Reborn Collectors edition-40
Fight Night Champion-45
Final Fantasy XIII-2-45
G.I.Joe Rising Cobra-39
God of War 3-36
God of War Ascension Special-55
God of War Ascension-55
God of War Collection 1-55
God of War Collection 2-55
Gran Slam Tennis 2-55
Gran Turismo 5: Academy Edition-30
Green Lantern (Зеленият фенер)-36
GTA 4-36
GTA 4 и Complete Liberty epizodes-59
GTA 4 Liberty episodes-39
GTA 5-59
Heavenly Sword-49
Heavy Rain Move Edition-49
Hitman Absolution-29
Iron Man 2-39
Infamous 2-36
Infamous Collection 1,2-65
Ico & The Shadow of the Colossus Collection-66
Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition -45
Just Dance 2014 - 40
Just Dance 2015-50
James Bond-Bloodstone-49
James Bond-Legends-49
James Bond-Quantum of Solace-49
Killzone 3-45
Killzone 2-45
Killzone Trilogy (3те игри ) - 65
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoging-49
Knights Contract Collector`s Edition-59
london Olympic Games 2012-45
Lords of the rings Aragon Quest-39
Lords of the rings War in the North -59
Lost Planet 1-49
Lost Planet 2-49
Lost Planet 3-49
Mass Effect 3-35
Max Payne 3-55
Metro Last Light-39
Metal Gear Risin Revenge-39
Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes-39
Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain-60
MIB Alien Crisis-49
Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor-50
Motion Sports Adrenaline-55
Moto jp 11-45
ММА ЕА Sports - 45лв
Motorbike Racing Pack (3 игри ) - 49
Need speed Most wanted-39
NBA 13 (баскетбол)-30
NBA 14-35
NBA 15 - 40
NHL 12-32
NHL13 ps3 (Хокей) -45
NHL 13 Stanly cup edition-55

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