В Bazar.BG от 15 юни 2014г.
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вчера в 07:07 ч.
Max Brand – Luck
Pierre Ryder is not your average Jesuit missionary. He's able to ride the meanest horse, run for miles without tiring, and put a bullet in just about any target. But now he's on a mission of vengeance to find the man who killed his father. The journey will test his endurance to its utmost--and so will the extraordinary woman he meets along the way. Jacqueline "Jack" Boone has all the curves of a lady but can shoot better than most men. In the epic tradition of Riders of the Purple Sage, their story is one for the ages.
Година на издаване: 2008
Страници: 245
Корици: меки
Състояние: ОТЛИЧНО!