английски език: цени половина от коричната и по надолу
No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam-10лв
Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates (Anglais) Broché – 9 mai 2006-10лв.
James Patterson - "Along Came a Spider", "Roses Are Red" & "Worst Case"
Georgina Harding - "The Solitude of Thomas Cave"
"The Tales of Edgar Allan Poe"
Robert Harris - "Pompeii"
J. Patterson & L. Marklund - "Postcard Killers"
Anita Burgh - "Avarice"
Michael Crichton - "Next"
Titania Hardie - "The Rose Labyrinth"
Noam Chomsky - "Failed States"
Jeanne Betancourt - "Three Girls in the City"
David Lubar - "In the Land of the Lawn Weenies"
James Walvin - "A Short History of Slavery"
"What About China?"
J. G. Ballard - "Cocaine Nights"
Eric Schlosser - "Fast Food Nation"
John Green - "Looking for Alaska"
Nick Hornby - "Slam" & "Funny Girl"
Rick Warren - "The Purpose Driven Life"
Mary Renault - "Fire From Heaven"
John Banville - "The Untouchable"
William Corlett - "Now & Then"
Peter Elbling - "The Food Taster"
William J. Federer - "America's God and Country"
"Robinson Crusoe", "Treasure Island", "Black Beauty" & "Little Women"
O. Pamuk - "My Name is Red", "Snow" & "The Black Book"
"The McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart"
N. Guyatt - "Have a Nice Doomsday"
F. S. Collins - "The Language of God"
G. G. Márquez - "One Hundred Years of Solitude"
"Astrology for Dummies"
R. Dawkins - "The God Delusion"
J. Grisham - "The Innocent Man"
G. E. Fuller - "The Democracy Trap"
G. McLauchlan - "A Short History of New Zealand"
D. Carnegie - "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
J. K. Rowling - "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"
D. Bogarde - "Closing Ranks"
J. Huxley - "Man in the Modern World"
E. Hemingway - "The Old Man and the Sea"
J. & D. Parker - "Astrology"
A. Vasil - "Ecoholic"
M. Vancil - "NBA Basketball Offense Basics"
Jo D. Smith "Nostradamus & Other Prophets and Seers"
"BBC The Big Read Book of Books"
E. Wood - "AP Comparative Government and Politics: A Study Guide"
Joseph C. Segen - "The Dictionary of Modern Medicine"
Penguin Reference - "Dictionary of Economics"
The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child:
гръцки език:
Olivia Goldsmith - "Μαθήματα γαμου"
Nancy Warren - "ΛΟΓΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΝΥΧΤΑΣ"
испански език:
Ken Follett - "Un lugar llamado libertad"
Barbara Wood - "La casa maldita"
B. P. Galdos - "El 19 de marzo y el 2 de mayo"
M. de Cervantes - "Don Quijote de la Mancha"
E. Galeano - "Las venas abiertas de América latina"
A. Guevara - "Chávez" [интервю с Уго Чавес]
колектив - "Geografia e historia de España"
F. Lázaro & V. Tusón - "Lengua Española"
италиански език:
Daniel Silva - "Le regole di Mosca"
Sara Tessa - "L'uragano di un batter d'ali"
Rolf Potts - "Marco Polo non ci 'e mai stato"
G. C. Giacobbe - "Come diventare bella, ricca e stronza"
A. Soresina - "Questa notte parlami dell'Africa"
Dario Fo - "La figlia del papa"
Jamie Ford - "Il gusto proibito dello zenzero"
Jared Dillian - "Cannibal"
Jamie McGuire - "Uno splendido disastro"
G. M. Brera - "I diavoli"
Viola Veloce - "Omicidi in pausa pranzo"
Beppe Severgnini - "Italiani di domani"
K. Iohannis - "Pas cu pas"
колектив - "Anatomia și fiziologia omului"
M. Eminescu - "Peozii & Publicistică"
O. Popa-Velea - "Științele comportamentului uman: aplicații în medicină"
L. Tolstoi - "Anna Karenina"
M. Diaconescu - "Visele au contururi precise"
G. Leroux - "Fantoma de la Operă"
T. Hodgkinson - "Ghidul leneșului"
"Ghid complet România"