Healing Handbooks: Angles / Лечителна книга: Ангели, 17 лв
Автор/Author: Bounty
Година/Publish Date: July 13, 2015
Страници/Pages: 176 pages
Език/Language: English
Размери/Dimensions: 8.4 x 0.7 x 6 inches
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Angels for Everyday Living allows you to harness the power of angelic forces and bring their blessings into your life. You will find yourself happier, calmer and stronger with this clear, easy to read beginner's guide to the true magic of angels. With real-life angel encounters, affirmations and visualizations, this Healing Handbook enables you to understand and connect with the angels around you. The book also features fun things to make and do to work with angels, including making angel scrolls, setting up an angel altar and writing your own angel blessings to send to loved ones.