Fantastic Animal Facts / Интересни факти за животните → Обява 23479821

Fantastic Animal Facts / Интересни факти за животните
гр. Бургас Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 14 декември 2024г. в 18:01 ч.

Детска книжка с интересни факти за животните
  • Paperback: 384 pages
  • Publisher: Miles Kelly Publishing (2 Jan. 2017)
  • Language: English
  • Product Dimensions: 17.2 x 3.2 x 22.6 cm
Lavishly illustrated throughout, this title provides children with masses of knowledge about the animal kingdom. The numbering system acts as a benchmark, and as children read they can clearly chart their progress through a world of incredible animals, from deadly prehistoric monsters to species threatened with extinction today. Cartoons, quizzes, fun facts and projects are scattered throughout to actively encourage reading and learning.
Преглеждания: 558
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