The Leopards of Normandy Duke / "Леопардите" на Нормандия Дюк, 12 лв
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Sparks fly from clashing swords as the game of Thrones plays out in bloodshed. Of that named guardian to the boy Duke. All seek advantage and power. Most wish him dead. Some will go to any lengths to make it happen.
Across the sea, the struggle for the English crown has seen Queen Emma's beloved son killed. She has to more sons waiting in the wings but Godwin, Earl of Wessex - kingmaker and arch manipulator - has other plans.
As the noble families of Europe murder each other in their lust for power and fortune, the boy stands apart. His name is William.
His destiny is to conquer.
This paperback book has 458 pages and measures: 19.7 x 12.9 x 3cm