Write and Translate / Michael Grancharow → Обява 23886768

Write and Translate / Michael Grancharow, снимка 1
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Write and Translate / Michael Grancharow, 15 лв
гр. София Изтекла/Деактивирана на 23 декември 2024г. в 14:04 ч.
Write and Translate / Michael Grancharow

Вие ползвате английски

език, но може би имате малки проблеми с английската граматика? Нашият

учебник и неговият автор Михаил Грънчаров ще ви помогнат!
Вие имате добрия шанс днес да учите английски.

В езиково училище или школа? Ползвайте нашия учебник! Всеки тест на английски ще бъде играчка за вас!

Вие гледате много сериозно на аглийския език! Набият учебник е истинско предизвикателство за Вас!


at first glance English spelling may appear erratic to the extent which

would seem to justify G. B. Shaw’s poking fun at it by remarking on the

possibility of writing the word "fish" as "ghoti" (since its three

successive sounds can be represented in this manner in words like

"enough", "women" and "action"), still it obeys certain rules that can

be acquired through assiduity and perseverance. The aim of this handbook

is to provide First and Second year students of English Philology with a

collection of texts by British and American authors in which various

spelling peculiarities and idiosyncrasies of style can be observed.

Alongside of the excerpts we have provided some explanatory notes,

spelling rules and exercises to help students improve their command of

English orthography. In striving to achieve this goal we have graded the

texts, in as far as it is possible to do so, according to their

complexity, guided by a teaching practice of a fairly long standing. The

texts in the separate units are meant for writing (at someone’s

dictation) and for translation into Bulgarian. These tasks, designed

also to enhance the students’ language awareness, can be done under the

supervision of the lecturer or individually, or else by working in pairs

or in small groups. The meanings of some words with a lower rate of

occurrence have been explained and at the end of each unit a number of

useful idiomatic expressions have been supplied for translation into

Bulgarian and subsequent use in an independent generation of sentences.

Забележка: Здраво книжно тяло, без забележки в текста. Позахабени корици.
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