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Readings in theoretical grammar, 16 лв
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Readings in theoretical grammar

J. Lyons. Modern Linguistics 1
N. Chomsky. Competence and Performance 14
P. de Saussure. Nature of the Linguistic Sign. % 24
E. Benveniste. The Nature of the Linguistic Sign 4o
E.C. Кубрякова, Г.П. Мельников. О понятиях языковой
системы и структуры языка 49
I. Benveniste. The Levels of Linguistic Analysis 72
P. de Saussure. Syntagmatic and Associative Relations .. 89
J. Lyons. Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Relations 95
I. Leech. Seven Types of Meaning 105
II. de Saussure. Grammar and its Subdivisions 126
B. Comrie. On the Distinctions between Grammaticalisa¬tion and Lexicalisation 130
J. Lyons. The Word 137
D. Bolinger. On Defining the Morpheme 157
W. Haas. Zero in Linguistic Description 168
P. Matthews. Recent Developments in Morphology 178
II. Д. Арутюнова. О значимых единицах языка 194
J. Lyons. Grammatical Categories 207
Jl.C. Бархударов. Части речи 214
R. Quirk, S. Greenbaum, G. Leech, J. Svartvik.
Adjectives and Adverbs 225
A. Смирницкий. Принципы выделения грамматических кате¬гории 238
А. Смирницкий. Грамматика и лексикология. Грамматические
категории 241
М.М. Гухман. Грамматическая категория и структура
G. Sampson. Functional Linguistics: The Prague School.
Types of Oppositions
A.B. Исаченко. Бинарность, привативные оппозиции и гра-
грамматические значения
М.А.К. Halliday. Language Structure and Language
Jl.C. Бархударов. Принципы синтаксического моделирова¬ния
BIBLIOGRAPHY of reprinted texts



is the first volume in a series of readings in theoretical linguistics

designed to meet the needs of the students at the English Department of

Sofia University. The book is introductory in character and fairly

restricted in its scope. The majority of texts deal with problems of

general linguistics, with emphasis on morphology. Easily identifiable

are several batteries of articles and excerpts on such central topics as

the hierarchical organization of language and interpenetration of

levels, the basic units of language, grammatical categories and markers.

In the context of this selection one can find titles which may seem too

specific (e.g., Quirk et al., "Adjectives and Adverbs") but these have

been included because of their approach to general problems of

classification. The policy of the editors has been to avoid highly

technical texts which might put undergraduates off the subject, while

not sparing them the complexities of the discipline. The texts,

therefore, should be sufficiently stimulating and provide ample food for

thought and discussion. Concerns about readability motivate the

inclusion of some excerpts from textbooks rather than the primary


This second edition of the Readings is substantially

enlarged and revised. The volume of the book has been increased almost

twofold and some of the texts in the first edition have been replaced by

their English translations. Since the publication of the first edition

several books in this series have already appeared (on the morphology of

the English verb, word-formation, stylistics, phonetics and phonology)

and others are in preparation (on syntax, pragmatics).

The Editors

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