Narcotics Anonymous. Fifth Edition, 100 лв
Narcotics Anonymous
Английски език.
Our Symbol ix Preface xi Introduction XV
Chapter One Who Is an Addict? 3
Chapter Two What Is the Narcotics Anonymous Program? 9
Chapter Three Why Are We Here? 13
Chapter Four How It Works 17
Chapter Five What Can I Do? 52
Chapter Six The Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous 57
Chapter Seven Recovery and Relapse 74
Chapter Eight We Do Recover 84
Chapter Nine Just for Today —Living the Program 90
Chapter Ten More Will Be Revealed 97
A Gift Called Life 107
If I Can Do It, So Can You 112
An Indian without a Tribe 118
In Search of a Friend 121
I Was Unique 125
I Found a Home 129
If You Want What We Have 133
I Qualify 140
Why Me? Why Not Me? 144
Jails, Institutions, and Recovery 149
Fearful Mother 153
I Found the Only N.A. Meeting in the World 157
Alien 163
A Little Girl Grows Up 169
It's Okay to Be Clean 178
Nowhere to Turn 182
Recovery Is My Responsibility 189
Unmanageable 193
How Do You Spell Relief? 197
Physician Addict 200
Part of the Solution 206
Resentment at the World 211
Mid-Pacific Serenity 213
The Vicious Cycle 219
I Was Different 221
Pothead! 224
I Can't Do Any More Time 227
Fat Addict 231
Early Services 233
I Felt Hopeless 235
I Kept Coming Back 238
It Won't Get Any Worse 243
My Gratitude Speaks 249
No Excuse for Loneliness 254
Relapse and Return 263
Sick and Tired at Eighteen 266
The War Is Over 270
Up from Down Under 273
Index 279
is the key to our symbol; it imitates the simplicity < 'I our
Fellowship. All sorts of occult and esoteric connotations i.mbe found in
its simple outlines, but foremost in the minds n! the Fellowship are
easily understood meanings and relationships.
The outer circle
denotes a universal and total program that room within it for all
manifestations of the recovering person.
The square, whose lines
are defined, is easily seen and understood, but there are other unseen
parts of the symbol. The i uare base denotes Good will, the ground of
both the Fellowship and the members of our society. Good will is best
exemplified m service; proper service is "Doing the right thing for the
right M'.ison." When Good will supports and motivates both the
individual and the Fellowship, we are fully whole and wholly 11 гг.
Probably the last to be lost to freedom will be the stigma o I being an
It is the four pyramid sides that rise from the base in a
three-« limensional figure that represent Self, Society, Service, and
God. ЛИ rise to the point of Freedom. All parts are closely related to
the needs and aims of the addict who is seeking recovery, and In the
purpose of the Fellowship which is to make recovery.iv.niable to all.
The greater the base, (as we grow in unity in m n i ibers and in
fellowship) the broader the sides of the pyramid, .mil the higher the
point of freedom.
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
reprinted for adaptation by permission of AA World Services, Inc.
Copyright © 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988 by Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
All rights reserved.
World Service Office PO Box 9999 Van Nuys, CA 91409
Published 1983. Second Edition 1983. Third Edition 1984.
Third Edition (Revised) 1986. Fourth Edition 1987. Fifth Edition 1988. 20th Anniversary Basic Text published 2003.
Printed in the United States of America.
05 04 03 65 64 63 62 60 59 58 57 56
ISBN 0-912075-02-3 (Hardcover)
ISBN 1-55776-025-X (Paperback)
ISBN 1-55776-513-8 (20th Anniversary)
This is NA Fellowship-approved literature.
Narcotics Anonymous, and The NA Way
are registered trademarks of Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Incorporated.
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