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Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English / A. S. Hornby, A. P. Cowie, A. C. Gimson → Обява 24265047

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English / A. S. Hornby, A. P. Cowie, A. C. Gimson, снимка 1
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Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English / A. S. Hornby, A. P. Cowie, A. C. Gimson, 10 лв
гр. София Изтекла/Деактивирана на 06 март в 14:04 ч.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English / Речник на съвременния английски език за напреднали (Английски език)

Inside front cover:
Key to phonetic symbols Abbreviations used in the text
Inside back cover:
Key to the verb patterns
Contributors vi
Acknowledgements vi
General preface vii
Preface to the phonetic information vii
Key to entries viii
Using the Dictionary xiii
Finding words and meanings xiv
Writing English xix
Speaking English xxi
Grammar xxiv
Style xxvi
Verb patterns xxviii
Anomalous verbs xxxix
Strong and weak forms xxxix
Contractions xli
1 Irregular verbs
2 Common abbreviations
3 Affixes (prefixes and suffixes)
4 Numerical expressions
5 Weights and measures
6 Geographical names
7 Common forenames
8 Shakespeare’s works
9 Punctuation
10 Books of the Bible
11 Chemical Elements
12 SI Units

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OXFORD is a trade mark of Oxford University Press


Oxford University Press 1974 First published 1948 (Twelve Impressions)

Second Edition 1963 (Nineteen Impressions) Third Edition 1974


Impression (revised and reset) 1980 Low-priced Edition first published

1980 Eighteenth Impression (revised and reset) 1985 Twenty-Sixth

Impression 1987


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