West’s Business Law Text, Cases, Legal and Regulatory Environment 1994г.
Kenneth W. Clarkson, Gaylord A. Jentz, Frank B. Cross
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6th Edition
This best-selling comprehensive book integrates edited cases in an accessible format. This latest edition contains chapters on court procedures, employment law, and comparative international law. A new feature, Emerging Trends in Business Law, emphasizes policy issues, while Exhibits continue to graphically illustrate important aspects of law.
About the Author
Gaylord A. Jentz was the Herbert D. Kelleher Emeritus Centennial Professor in Business Law at the University of Texas at Austin Graduate School of Business. He received his B.A., M.B.A., and J.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Jentz was a past president of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, the Southwestern Federation of Administrative Disciplines, the Southern Business Law Association, Phi Kappa Phi (UT Chapter), and the Texas Association of College Teachers. He was the author or coauthor of six monographs and 56 books and editions, including WEST'S BUSINESS LAW: TEXT & CASES, Tenth Edition; FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS LAW, Seventh Edition; and several versions of BUSINESS LAW TODAY. He also published in several learned journals and was past editor-in-chief of the American Business Law Journal. Dr. Jentz gave advanced purchasing seminars throughout the United States and taught at five regional and graduate banking schools. He was the recipient of 16 teaching, academic, and service excellence awards, including the CBA Foundation Award for Excellence in Education, the CBA Foundation Advisory Council Distinguished Scholastic Contributions Award, the Academy of Legal Studies in Business Faculty Excellence Award, the Western States School of Banking Leadership Award, the James C. Scarboro Memorial Award for Outstanding Leadership in Banking Education, and The University of Texas "Civitatis" Award. He was also inducted into the Texas Business School (McCombs School of Business) "CBA Hall of Fame."
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