The Focusrite Penta, the fifth product in the Platinum range, is a stereo compressor with 16 editable preset settings housed in a two-Rackspace chassis. The 16 presets, named for their intended use, are said to be optimized for: kick, snare, ambient (a way to pull more out of room mics and reverb returns), loop (good for squashing drum loops), bass guitar, synth bass, percussion, acoustic picked, acoustic strum, electric guitar, piano, keyboards, vocals, crunch (an extreme setting), mix [pump] (a sort of big mastering squash) and limit (a peak-limiter setting). All of these presets are selected with the left/right reset-selection buttons that are on either side of the row of 16 LED preset indicators. It would have made more sense to place these left/right buttons next to each other for fast, two-finger operation.Toggling through the presets, you'll hear a relay clicking as the tube-sound circuit switches in and out (depending on the preset). The tube-sound can be added to any preset, and it's remembered if you change presets and come back. The tube-sound circuit has three FET-based blocks, each biased to generate a specific harmonic. The overall circuit generates second, third and fifth harmonic distortion in amounts dependent upon the rotary control's position. At low settings, it's mostly second, and advancing the knob cranks more third and fifth. Second-order harmonic distortion emulates the softness of a tube compressor. Turning the control more toward warm, I got more of a tube-like “blooming” sound, great for rounding out bright harshness.Penta has an MSRP of $495, and the optional 24-bit/96kHz A/D board is $250. If you are into value-oriented project/home studio gear, then go get Penta! Работи ок.Снимките са актуални.
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