Rocktron Intellifex Online → Обява 35029976

Rocktron Intellifex Online
гр. София Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 01 март в 14:49 ч.

Работи ок, Състояние - перфектно. ефекта с педалиерата - бартер за EVH red stripe guitar. ltd M.Wilton - бартер за ефекта, доплащате малко.Rocktron Piranha & Intellifex Online = 2000 or thade for Kemper!бандъл цена или бартер за Кемерче!The Intellifex Online is a 24-bit digital effects processor utilizing three individual 16-bit converters and Sigma-Delta A/D conversion, achieving a 64x oversampling rate and better than 100dB dynamic range. It is totally programmable and allows for complete MIDI control. The unit features pitch shifting, 8-voice stereo chorusing effects, digital delay effects (including 2tap, stereo and ping ponging effects), unsurpassed digital reverb quality and highly flexible configuration programming--allowing for simultaneous operation of up to 5 effects plus complete mixing capabilities. The unit also offers a fully digital implementation of patented HUSH® noise reduction at the unit's input, along with delay and reverb ducking capabilities. This user's manual will detail the various features and functions of the Intellifex Online. After reading it, please keep it for future reference. What makes the Intellifex Online Unique? Super quiet operation due to use of digital HUSH® and high quality 16-bit converters. High purity sound due to the use of a 64X oversampling A/D converter, which samples the signal 64 times as often as a conventional converter, and also due to the use of a separate dual D/A converter. Most "bargain" digital effects units use a single converter multiplexed 3 ways, for decidedly higher distortion and lower dynamic range. 24-Bit processing and memory circuits to maintain maximum dynamic range. Ability to store up to 8 unique MIDI controller patches with each preset. Very high quality effects algorithms. Highly stereo effects with panning available on almost all signals. 8 voice chorusing with an enormous number of parameters for the richest sounding chorus ever. High quality 4 voice pitch shifting over 3 full octaves. 2-voice pitch shifting or 4-voice chorusing offered simultaneously with HUSH, delay and reverb. Programming via knobs instead of push buttons. Easy to read, wide viewing angle display.Предлагам и Миди мейт - двете заедно са 1000, бартер за китара Charvel - San Dimas, Pro Mod, So Cal. Може и комбиниран бартер с Реплифекса ми за сигнатурна метъл китара - ЛТД Джеф Ханеман, БЦРич Кери Кинг, ЛАГ Фил Кембъл и тн.
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