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The Undercover Economist Collection - 2 книги → Обява 38137313

The Undercover Economist Collection - 2 книги
гр. Пловдив, Център Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 27 април в 09:34 ч.

Лично предаване; Купувача
The Undercover Economist by Tim Harford
издателство: Abacus, 2007
278 страници, състояние - много добро.
Abstract: Ever wondered why the gap between the rich and the poor nations is so great, or why it`s so difficult to get a foot on the property ladder, or why you can`t buy a decent second-hand car?

Dear Undercover Economist by Tim Harford
издателство: Anchor,2009
228 страници, състояние - много добро.
Abstract: Throughout history, great philosophers have been answering profound questions about life. But do they know why your socks keep disappearing from the dryer, or how to choose the quickest line at the supermarket? Probably not, but Tim Harford does...
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