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New Success Pre-intermediate SB → Обява 38264820

New Success Pre-intermediate SB
гр. Варна

Публикувана/обновена на 14 септември 2024г. в 18:44 ч.

Автор:Stuart McKinlay,Bob Hastings
Издателство: Pearson
Корица: Мека корица
Състояние: добро
Език: Английски

New Success retains its best features of Success and is brought up-to-date with refreshed material. An ambitious, traditional but adult-feel course that has a more academic environment and aims at high level school-leaving exams that enable entry into University.

With the same unit organisation and methodology as Success but with new material for reading and listening, New Success can be covered in one academic year at this level in Upper Secondary.

New Success provides:

a controlled environment for teaching and learning
student and teacher motivation
an interactive approach to learning
memorisation techniques
an equal emphasis on skills and grammar
a strong focus on vocabulary input and practice
expansion of students' general knowledge
cultural awareness
a principled testing and evaluation system plus exam preparation
innovative digital solutions for both teachers and students, keeping up-to-date with new trends in education
12 thematic units each consisting of 8 pages
Each unit clearly divided into sections (Grammar and Listening, Reading and Vocabulary, Vocabulary, Listening and Speaking, Writing)
Exam Revision every 2 units
End matter
- Student Activities for information-gap exercises

- Culture Shocks (three lessons based around different aspects of British culture)

- Wordlists with a phonetic transcription
Преглеждания: 318
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