В Bazar.BG от 01 септември 2015г.
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Topographic Anatomy
V. Vankov, K. Ichev
A textbook for medical and dental students.
The textbook Topographic Anatomy was written in 1980 by two leading Bulgarian anatomists - Prof. V. Vankov and Prof. K. Ichev. It covers the topographic anatomy of the human body in a very detailed and yet concise manner, strictly following topographic principles. The book is illustrated with original drawings, created by Dr. S. Bakardjieva. Since then, seven editions of the book have been produced. During these decades, the book has been greatly appreciated by the medical community and among the medical students, and has established itself as an essential component of anatomy education in Bulgarian medical universities.
The present English language version of the textbook was prepared by Dr. M. Vankova, with the editorial assistance of Dr. K. L. Allen and Dr. K. Dikranian from Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis, USA.