Пропаганда за равенство / The Equality Propaganda → Обява 40857490

Пропаганда за равенство / The Equality Propaganda
гр. Пловдив, Център Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 02 септември 2024г. в 17:40 ч.

The Equality Propaganda
Сравнително добре запазена, леко прегъване на едно ъгълче на задната корица. Меки корици, 194 страници, английски език.

All men are supposed to be born equal... Unfortunately they are not. Equality of opportunity seems like an abstract unachievable concept. Humanity is ridden with inequality throughout. Wealth disparity, gender & racial inequality, geopolitical imbalance, and other such inequalities have manifested in to a distrustful, xenophobic, and a chaotic world. Humanity has been bogged down by riots, refugees, war, dictators, crime, poverty, famine, racism, sexism, child abuse, and many other such social ills. This book hypothesizes a fictional new world where equality of opportunity acts as the core foundation of the civilization. It presents an analytical approach to inequality and the problems of the current way of life. It also briefly postulates the impact that equality can have on society, economy, religion, science, environment, & human happiness.
Преглеждания: 171
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