The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists (Neil Strauss) → Обява 41452187

The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists (Neil Strauss)
гр. София, Център Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 09 октомври 2024г. в 09:22 ч.

🔥 Заглавие: The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists (Neil Strauss)

🏷️ Цена: 18лв

🍀 Състояние: Много добро (запазено книжно тяло; има малък на брой подчертани редове с молив)

📔 Описание: "The funniest book I have read this year." Tony Parsons The Game recounts the incredible adventures of an everyday man who transforms himself from a shy, awkward writer into the quick-witted, smooth-talking Style, a character irresistible to women. But just when life is better than he could have ever dreamed (he uses his techniques on Britney Spears, receives life coaching from Tom Cruise, moves into a mansion with Courtney Love and is officially voted the World's Number One Pickup Artist) he falls head over heels for a woman who can beat him at his own game.

🚚 Доставка: Може да бъде изпратена по Спиди/Еконт или предадена лично в района на Спортна палата, гр. София
Преглеждания: 489
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