Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity (Carlo Rovelli) → Обява 42298269

Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity (Carlo Rovelli)
гр. София, Център Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 31 август 2024г. в 09:39 ч.

🔥 Заглавие: Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity (Carlo Rovelli)

🏷️ Цена: 18лв

🍀 Състояние: Добро (има известно намачкване на корицата; подчертани с молив редове)

📔 Описание: Do space and time truly exist? What is reality made of? Can we understand its deep texture?
Scientist Carlo Rovelli has spent his whole life exploring these questions and pushing the boundaries of what we know. In this mind-expanding book, he shows how our understanding of reality has changed throughout centuries, from Democritus to loop quantum gravity. Taking us on a wondrous journey, he invites us to imagine a whole new world where black holes are waiting to explode, spacetime is made up of grains, and infinity does not exist -- a vast universe still largely undiscovered.

🚚 Доставка: Може да бъде изпратена по Спиди/Еконт или предадена лично в района на Спортна палата, гр. София
Преглеждания: 110
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