The DBT Solution for Emotional Eating: A Proven Program to Break the Cycle of Bingeing → Обява 42833080

The DBT Solution for Emotional Eating: A Proven Program to Break the Cycle of Bingeing
гр. София, Център Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 13 октомври 2024г. в 09:20 ч.

Лично предаване; Купувача
🔥 Заглавие: The DBT Solution for Emotional Eating: A Proven Program to Break the Cycle of Bingeing and Out-of-Control Eating (Debra L. Safer, Sarah Adler, Philip C. Masson)

🏷️ Цена: 35лв

🍀 Състояние: Много добро; подчертани с молив редове

📔 Описание: Eating can be a source of great pleasure--or deep distress. If you've picked up this book, chances are you're looking for tools to transform your relationship with food. Grounded in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), this motivating guide offers a powerful pathway to change. Drs. Debra L. Safer, Sarah Adler, and Philip C. Masson have translated their proven, state-of-the-art treatment into a compassionate self-help resource for anyone struggling with bingeing and other types of "stress eating." You will learn to:

*Identify your emotional triggers.
*Cope with painful or uncomfortable feelings in new and healthier ways.
*Gain awareness of urges and cravings without acting on them.
*Break free from self-judgment and other traps.
*Practice specially tailored mindfulness techniques.
*Make meaningful behavior changes, one doable step at a time.

Vivid examples and stories help you build each DBT skill. Carefully crafted practical tools (you can download and print additional copies as needed) let you track your progress and fit the program to your own needs. Finally, freedom from out-of-control eating--and a happier future--are in sight.

🚚 Доставка: Изпращане по Спиди/Еконт или лично предаване в района на Спортна палата, гр. София
Преглеждания: 91
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