Игри за Playstation 3
Продавам следните игри за PS3
10 лв за брой
-Call of duty- Black ops- игра и кутия
-FIFA 10- complete in box
-FIFA 14- complete in box
-LEGO Jurassic World- ПРОДАДЕНА
-Adventure time Finn&Jake Investigations- complete in box
-Star wars The force unleashed- Кутия и manual- 5 лв
-MotorStorm- кутия- 5 лв
-Playstation move heroes- само диск- 5 лв
-Start the party Save the world- само диск- 5 лв
-Assassin's creed ll- complete in box
-Heavenly sword- complete in box
-Minecraft- ПРОДАДЕНА
Преглеждания: 854
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