Have you ever noticed that life is like a treasure hunt? The more we understand ourselves, our relationships, and the world around us, the wiser we become. The challenges we face in our lives are hidden gems of wisdom that are waiting to be discovered and added to our personal treasure box. The events in our lives are irrelevant. They are simply
the foundations we lay for our personal growth-and opportunities to add other gemstones to our treasure box. It is up to us to discover the gemstones of wisdom that are buried within the events of our lives. This book will help you gain insights into your buried treasures by teaching how to connect with your Akashic Records. With the loving assistance of your Divine Spiritual Family (God/Goddess, All That Is, Ascended Masters, etc.) and the connection to your Akashic Records, you will experience a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. The Akashic Records can help you find the gemstones within any arena-relationships, repeating patterns and behaviors, influences from past lives, spiritual growth-and help you open to more peace and joy in your life.