The American Writer and the Great Depression - Harvey Swados → Обява 47892560

The American Writer and the Great Depression - Harvey Swados
гр. Пловдив, Каменица 2 Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 08 ноември 2024г. в 14:53 ч.


Sociology - Richard T. Schaefer, Robert P. Lamm 79лв. т.к. (Sixth Edition, 1998)

Psychology in Action, Study Guide - Karen Huffman, Mark Vernoy, Barbara Williams, Judith Vernoy 85лв. т.к. (Second Edition)

American quarterly Vol. 45, №1, March 1993 159лв. (The John Hopkins University Press)

American quarterly Vol. 44, №3, September 1992 159лв. (The John Hopkins University Press)

American quarterly Vol. 43, №4, December 1991 159лв. 2бр. (The John Hopkins University Press)

American quarterly Vol. 41, №2, June 1989 159лв. (The John Hopkins University Press)

The Journal of American History Vol. 79, No. 2, Sep., 1992 169лв. (Oxford University Press)

Conflict and consensus in early American history - Allen F. Davis, Harold D. Woodman 89лв. (Fourth Edition)

Patterns in American History Vol. 1 - Alexander De Conde, Armin Rappaport, Willian R. Steckel 129лв. (Second Edition)

Yankee Reformers In the Urban Age. Social reform in Boston 1880-1900 - Arthur Mann 59лв.

The American History: The Ferment of Reform, 1830-1860 - C. S. Griffin 53лв.

A Brief History of the American People — David Chalmers, Makoto Saito 79лв.

The Antifederalists - Cecelia Kenyon 47лв.

The American Writer and the Great Depression - Harvey Swados 45лв.

The Populist Mind (American Heritage series) – Norman Pollack 53лв.

Lester Ward and the Welfare State - Henry Steele Commager 115лв.

Democracy, Liberty and Property: The State Constitutional Conventions of the 1820's –Merrill D. Peterson 101лв.

The Social Thought of Jane Addams (The American Heritage Series) - Jane Addams, Christopher Lasch 275лв.

The Political Thought of Woodrow Wilson - E. David Cronon 86,50лв.

The Political Thought of Benjamin Franklin - Ralph Ketcham 73лв.

The Progressives (The American Heritage Series) - Carl Ed Resek 67лв.

Freedom Of The Press From Hamilton To The Warren Court – Harold L. Nelson 67лв.

Австрия, Австро-Унгария и развитието на българските елити 1815 – 1918 25лв.

L'origine delle specie - Charles Darwin 43лв.

Александр Солженицын - Том 1-7 Малое собрание сочинений в семи томах 79лв.

The World is Flat - Thomas L. Friedman 21лв.
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