Дава под наем ВИЛА, гр. София, Бояна → Обява 47927624

Дава под наем ВИЛА, гр. София, Бояна
гр. София, Бояна Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 16 март в 17:08 ч.

450 кв. м.
Брой етажи
Луксозна вила в Бояна с гледка към София и Витоша

Предлагаме на Вашето внимание голяма къща в кв. Бояна със сауна, външно барбекю, две отделни изолирани дворни пространства, четири отделни камини, зала за игри и басейн с детска пързалка.
Открита, пълна панорамна гледка както към цялата централна част на София, така и към планината Витоша.
Разположена на една от най-емблематичните улици в Бояна, къщата е достъпна чрез нова и качествена инфраструктура от напълно асфалтирани пътища.

Luxury home in Boyana with astonishing view to both Sofia city and Vitosha mountain.

We bring to your attention a big, fully furnished house in Boyana neighbourhood equipped with sauna, two separate private courtyards, outdoor barbeque area, four fireplaces, playroom and a pool with small slide.
One of a kind house with open, fully panoramic view to the central part of Sofia and to the Vitosha mountain.
Located on one of the most iconic streets in Boyana, the house is very accessible thanks to the quality infrastructure with fully paved roads.

Our property offers the following facilities and amenties:
- Five bedrooms (some of which can be used as an office room)
- Five bathrooms. All of them are equipped with a shower, toilet and sink
- Five levels (this is a 5 storey house)
- Fully furnished - no further equipment is required
- Patio area
- One garage and a canopy which packs another car
- It is possible to park four vechicles in total without disturbing the neighbours - two cars in the house and two in front of it
- Spacious barbeque in the courtyard with fireplace and grill
- Pool with slide
- Playroom with punching bag and table tennis for children, trampoline
- Basement, service rooms and a plenty of storage space
- Two fully equipped kitchens on different floors, both, equipped with a stove, oven, dishwasher, fridge, microwave coffee machines and more
- Indoor Finnish sauna that can pack up to 3-4 persons
- Multiple flat TVs and sound systems
- Laundry room with washing and drying machines and sink
- Three different heating alternatives: two boilers that operate respectively on electricity and natural gas, and a fireplace with water jacket
- Air cons

We speak fluent English, German and Bulgarian.

Преглеждания: 299
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Препоръчани за теб
2 500 €
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