Продава ПАРЦЕЛ, с. Сърнино, област Добрич
Цена на метър
4 лв. кв. м.
Реф. 5899
Предлагаме ви чудесен парцел в регулация за жилищно строителство в село Сърнино, община Генерал Тошево, област Добрич. Имотът е с размер от 1540 кв.м. и е с добро местоположение, в централен и оживен район от селото. За по голям ориентир можете да използвате приложените към обявата скици на имотът.
За повече информация не се колебайте да ни потърсите на телефони 0887691111 на български език и за англоговорящи на 0887691111.
Моля търсете ме на Вайбър и пишете за да мога да си превеждам. Благодаря!
We are offering you this plot of land in the region of Dobrich. This plot is 1540sqm, a freehold building plot in a small quiet village just 29km away from Dobrich and 79 km away from Varna and the beach. There is electricity and watter supply nearby.Village of Surnino (Dobrich District) is located in North-East Bulgaria. It is part of General Toshevo Municipality. General Toshevo municipality is located in North-East Bulgaria in Dobrich District. The Municipality consists of 1 town (General Toshevo) and 41 and villages. The territory of the Municipality is crossed by second-class road Е-29 Varna - Constanza , Romania, 137.7 km of third-class roads, 97.1 km of fourth-class roads; these roads ensure connection to all population centers in the Municipality. Yovkovo border control point, which services the traffic on the border with the Republic of Romania, is located at a distance of 15 km from the municipal center. The Municipality is environmentally clean region without industrial polluters, with a potential for development of rural tourism. Protected areas in the area of General Toshevo have been declared in the villages of Rossitsa, Loznitsa and Bezhanovo. Dabovik village was the first to start offering hunting tourism. Areas for hunting tourism and fishing have been designated around Dryan Dam Lake, which has been granted under concession, and landscaped facilities for recreation have been built, as well as sports facilities with open-air and closed grounds and equipment.
Преглеждания: 122
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