MXR 103 Blue Box Fuzz And Octave → Обява 48475993

MXR 103 Blue Box Fuzz And Octave
гр. София Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена на 27 декември 2024г. в 23:02 ч.

A truly extraordinary effect by MXR. Basically, the "Blue Box" is a kind of octaver, but there is already the MXR Bass Octave. The Blue Box is more for people who prefer something special or anything else: the guitar signal is first distorted and then lowered by 2 octaves. The balance between the dry and the effect signal can now be adjusted. With a discreetly used effect more typical octaver sounds are possible, especially if one plays rather high notes on the guitar; The higher the effect percentage increases, the more natural it sounds. Try it out!

Ефекта е като нов ( тестван е няколко пъти). Дава фуз и 2 октави надолу, за това обикновено
се свири на него от 8-ма позиция на горе .
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