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80's Електрическа китара Hurricane by Morris EVA Made in Japan 80's → Обява 48842531

80's Електрическа китара Hurricane by Morris EVA Made in Japan 80's
гр. София, Младост 2 Наблюдавай

Публикувана/обновена днес в 06:49 ч.

Hurricane by Morris - EVA (EH-2), Made in Japan (mid 80's)

***Не говоря български или не толкова, използвах Google translate, за да генерирам текста на български.***

Продавам японската електрическа китара "Hurricane by Morris". Моделът е "Eva, EH-2". Тази китара е произведена през втората половина на 80-те години от компанията на Тошио Моридайра.

Възпроизвеждането е много приятно, звучи страхотно и е напълно функционално! Електрониката работи добре, гърлото е изправено и има свободно място.

Известни подробности

Тази китара е инструмент втора употреба, има малко ръжда, драскотини, вдлъбнатини и чипове по момчето и врата. Независимо от това, мисля, че изглежда достатъчно добре за китара, която е на около 40 години. Грифът е остърган или "нагребен" в областта, която минава през първата струна (вижте видео или снимки). Няма тремоло рамо. Копчето за избор на превключвател липсва и се опитвам да намеря заместител за него. Поради тези детайли, особено тази на врата, продавам това достатъчно евтино, тъй като ако сменя грифа, ще трябва да го продам много по-скъпо. Вярвам, че това е добра възможност за тези, които харесват формите на китара Explorer.

Тъй като това е употребяван инструмент втора употреба, моля, проверете снимките и видеото, преди да купите, може да пропусна някои други подробности. Ако имате някакви въпроси, моля, не се колебайте да ме попитате или да поискате повече снимки или видео. Ако живеете в София сте поканени да го тествате сами при мен, няма проблем! Ако не живеете в София, но все пак го искате, мога да направя видео разговор, ако имате нужда.

Китарата се продава такава, каквато е. Не се приемат връщания или възстановяване на средства.

Продава се само китарата (Hurricane by Morris - EVA), всички останали аксесоари на снимките или видеото, като каишка, стойка, други инструменти или оборудване и т.н... са само за декорация.

Не съм експерт, за да идентифицирам някои детайли като дървото, но ето някои спецификации:

Ураган от Морис

Ева (EH-2)

Произведено в...
Япония, 80-те


Колчета: Произведено в Япония
Прагчета: 22
Тремоло: Да, без лента
PU: 2 Humbuckers (изглежда като стоковите пикапи, не знам подробностите)
PU превключвател: 3-посочна позиция
Копче за сила на звука: 1
Копче за тон: 1
Струни: Нови

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I'm selling this Made in Japan electric guitar "Hurricane by Morris". Model is "Eva, EH-2". This guitar was made in the second half of the 80's by Toshio Moridaira's company.

Playability feels very nice, sounds great and it's totally functional! Electronics works good, the neck is straight and truss rod has space.

Known details

This guitar is a second hand instrument, has some rust, scratches, dents and chips on the boy and neck. Regarless of that I think it looks nice enough for a guitar that has around 40 years old. The fingerboard has been scraped, or "scalloped", in the area that goes through the first string (see video, or photos). Doesn't have tremolo arm. The switch selector knob is missing and I'm trying to find a replacement for that. Due those details, specially the one in the neck, I'm selling this cheap enough since if I replace the fingerboard I will need to sell it much more expensive. I believe it's a good opportunity for those who likes the Explorer guitar shapes.

Since this is an used, second hand, instrument please check the photos and the video before purchasing, I might missed some other details. If you have any question please feel free to ask me or request me more pictures or video. If you live in Sofia you are invited to test it yourself at my place, no problem! If you don't live in Sofia but still want it I can make a video call if you need.

The guitar is sold as is. No returns or refunds accepted.

Only the guitar (Hurricane by Morris - EVA) is for sale, all other accesories in the photos or the video, like the strap, the stand, other instruments or equipment, etc... are just for decorations.

I'm not an expert to identify some details like the wood, but here are some specs:

Hurricane by Morris

Eva (EH-2)

Made in...
Japan, 80's


Pegs: Made in Japan
Frets: 22
Tremolo: Yes, without bar
PU: 2 Humbuckers (seems like the stock pickups, I don't know the details)
PU switch: 3 way position
Volume knob: 1
Tone knob: 1
Strings: New

***Text from the Hurricane advertising***

"The Hurricane has paved a new way for the world's musician with great sound and high quality.
Our technology and matured experience have finally solved previous problems with cost and quality.
We have succeeded in keeping costs down and high quality up and have and have created tough Hurricane electric guitar that can withstand the most energetic demands of any player in the world. Try the tremendous sound and performance of the Hurricane yourself and you'll see what we mean. You'll be surprised to know that the Hurricane will cost you less, keep your spirits high, and satisfy your musical talents."

***About Hurricane by Morris***

The Hurricane by Morris is a series of electric guitars made in Japan, probably between 1986 and 1990. The "Eva" model is an "Explorer" type. Morris brand was founded in 1967 by Toshio Moridaira, which by the way he was also the first distribuitor in Japan to carry both Fender and Gibson lines into Japan. The "Morris" name was inspired from a nickname someone put to him while Toshio was on the Gibson factory in 1964, he was called "Mori". It and seems they also did guitars under brands like H.S. Anderson, Bill Lawrence, Bill's Brothers. Today the company "Morris" still exists, but it seems like they only do acoustic guitars now.

There is not so much info on the internet for these line of guitars, the "Hurricane by Morris" is a are rare vintage MIJ brand. I'm not sure but I think if the guitar says "by Morris" means it was made in Japan while and if says "by Moridaira" then it was made in Korea.

Marty Friedman and Jason Becker played the Hurricane guitars. According to the cover of "Cacophony - Speed Metal Symphony", Marty was using a "Hurricane - Susie" and Becker a "Hurricane - LTD-2". Becker seems to have the same model of guitar, but in blue and different colors on the pickups, in the album cover of "Perpetual Burn".


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